Julia Kristina, M.A. Psych presents
... so you can feel calm, confident & in charge of your mind and emotions.
I know you're totally DONE with anxiety coming in and hijacking your mind and emotions.
Done with the way it makes you feel worried, overwhelmed, and insecure, and prevents you from feeling calm, grounded, and as confident as you know you can be!
You're done with how out of control it makes you feel, which is why I'm going to teach you exactly how to stop anxiety in its tracks so you can start feeling like yourself again!
Okay, but let’s talk.

If you're someone who has EVER felt like your anxiety is getting in your way and holding your back, you deserve to start learning exactly how to manage your anxiety so it can stop controlling you!
In this life, there is necessary suffering and unnecessary suffering. And not doing anything about your brain that has learned to be overly-anxious, is unnecessary suffering because you CAN do something about it.
Overcome Anxiety is a research-based and proven method to get you through your biggest struggles with anxiety.
It not only teaches you how to get ahold of your racing, anxiety-provoking thoughts, but also teaches you exactly now to deal with your underlying feelings of stress, panic, worry, or overwhelm.
Julia has been featured in

Has it ever made you feel broken, flawed or weak because the more you told yourself to just STOP FEELING ANXIOUS the worse it got?
So what gives?
If we can’t force ourselves to feel calm, grounded, and at ease then what’s the point? Is there anything we can do?
Here’s the issue.
You’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and stuck, and are having a hard time believing there’s anything you can do about it because you're focusing on the wrong things.
But it’s not your fault.
It’s because most of the information out there about how to deal with anxiety tells you to ‘just think positive’ or ‘just focus on being more grateful’ or 'you just need to calm down and relax' or “just to let it go.” (yeah, thanks tips!)
And although this advice seems well-meaning on the surface (and many of those things are good things to do), you and I both know the truth:
They. Don't. Cut it.
They don’t solve the actual problem.
Anxiety is not something you can just just “let go” of, or “positive” away.
If it was that easy, you'd have done it long ago.
And that’s why I’m here.
I’m not just here to tell you what you need to do,
I’m here to walk you through and teach you exactly how to do it.
How to change the way you think.
How to change the way you feel.
How to get ahold of the racing, worry causing, fearful, overwhelming thoughts that are holding you back, bringing you down and getting in the way of you feeling good about yourself and your life.
How to keep you from being edgy, fidgety, spinny, sweaty, and self-conscious, so you can feel more calm, grounded, confident, and in charge of your mind and emotions
And to get there, you must learn the exact, research-proven steps.
So, in Overcome Anxiety, I’m going to show you the most simple and effective ways to:
- Change your thoughts
- Shift your entire mindset
- Change your self-defeating beliefs and perspectives
- And how to actually rewire your brain from an anxious, overwhelmed and worried one, to a more calm, clear and grounded one.
And as the loving and caring human being you are, that is what you DESERVE!
Do you know why people get anxious in the first place? Often, it comes down to one simple equation called (fittingly enough) The Anxiety Equation, and it looks like this:
A perception that something bad, uncomfortable, upsetting or threatening might happen
Not knowing what to do or how you’ll handle or get through it
Okay, great.
That’s neat Julia, but how do I actually change that equation so I can change the outcome of it? How do I get the ability to do that when I’ve failed so often?
In Overcome Anxiety, you're going to learn both how to change the first part of the equation: Your perception of threat or danger,
AND learn the most healthy, effective and easy to implement Coping Methods that will not only help you get past your anxiety in the moment, but ALSO keep it from coming back the next time.
The techniques I’m going to teach you have already proven to be life-changing for people like you.
Why did I create the Overcome Anxiety course?
I’m a clinical counsellor and have been working in the mental health field treating men and women struggling with mild to severe anxiety for over 8 years now.
Early in my career, I was determined to learn the most effective, research-proven way to treat anxiety. I desperately wanted to find a way to get people through their anxiety and into feeling happier as quickly, but still as effectively as possible, so they wouldn’t have to suffer any longer than absolutely necessary.
And I did it! I learned something called CBT (aka. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which is the only research proven way to effectively treat anxiety without medication.
Not only that, I learned CBT directly from world-renowned Psychiatrist Dr. David Burns, who has been named one of the most influential people of our time.
I began using CBT with my clients, and it was extremely effective. But I still wasn’t satisfied. I discovered there were some gaps in this method.
While it was really helping my clients improve their anxiety, for many of them it wasn’t quite getting them all the way to the other side.
So, back to the research I went.
And finally, after a lot of work, I discovered the elusive missing piece: Narrative Therapy, Self-Compassion, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.
I found that these three methods, used in combination with CBT in a very specific way that I developed, gave my clients quick and long-lasting results.
This was a game-changer.
The method I taught my clients gave them the tools and strategies to change the way they saw themselves, their lives, their anxiety-provoking situations, and even change the way they they thought and felt altogether!
And now, I’ve put my complete method for effectively getting you through and past your life-limiting anxiety into my signature course:
Overcome Anxiety
This course is for you if...
- You worry, stress, overthink, or over-obsess... a lot
- You often feel like your mind and emotions are out of control
- You sometimes feel jumpy, paranoid, insecure, scattered, fearful, and worked up or overwhelmed in usually pretty normal situations
- You often worry about how you come across to others, what people are thinking about you, or sometimes if you're even likeable at all
This is your chance to Overcome Anxiety and reclaim the happiness in life anxiety has been keeping you from for way too long!

"My thoughts no longer feel draining and I finally have a sense of peace, knowing that I can trust myself to handle any situation."
"Julia’s Overcome Anxiety course has impacted my life by giving me the knowledge and resources to stand up to anxiety. I no longer let anxiety take over my life. My thoughts no longer feel draining and I finally have a sense of peace, knowing that I can trust myself to handle any situation. I cannot recommend this life-changing course enough! This is the best course out there to combat anxiety. You will gain a deep understanding about what anxiety is and realistic ways to overcome it, from a trained professional."

“Since doing Overcome Anxiety I feel more empowered in my life.
"My self talk has changed. I know myself better and have come to accept myself more than I ever have before. I am happier overall in my life. And I have more self trust. This course has taught me so many tools and lessons to make my life feel manageable and happier. I don't wish my life away anymore, like I used to. I am forever grateful”
What is included in this self-paced online course, and how do I take it?
Discover Exactly What is Covered in
Overcome Anxiety
Module 1
Learn why you get anxiety in the first place, and how to know where and when your anxiety crops up so you can catch it and work through it before it can take over
Module 2
Get familiar with your most crippling, limiting thoughts that are at the root of all your intense, persistent, anxiety symptoms, and learn the exact, research proven formula for identifying and changing those thoughts so you know what to do to free yourself from them once and for all.
Module 3
Learn the specific (mis)beliefs you have about yourself and your life that steal the joy, freedom, calm and confidence from you, and specifically how to get rid of those beliefs, so you can go freely and confidently toward the things you want.
Module 4
Here Mindfulness is broken down in the most simple, straightforward way. You’ll also learn exactly how mindfulness will change your brain from an anxious one to a peaceful and grounded one, and the specific mindfulness exercises you can do even when you only have a minute or two.
Module 5
Learn how to exchange debilitating, anxiety provoking expectations for healthy, empowering ones. How to replace fear with calm, and the most effective mindset shifting coping methods so you can know how to handle and get through anxiety, and confidently out the other side.
Module 6
See how to identify avoidance versus safety behaviours and how to exchange them for healthy coping strategies that work. You’ll also be shown exactly what to do to handle those anxiety provoking situations you can’t change so you don’t have to feel trapped or debilitated by the fear of them.
Module 7
Discover what you need to do to know and accept yourself lovingly, deeply, and meaningfully. You will also learn how to have healthy boundaries to prevent anxiety, how to deal with guilt that causes anxiety, and the specific signs that show you how much you have grown since starting the course so you can go forward feeling more confident, calm, happy and free.

"I highly recommend the course. It will be time well-spent.”
"This course allowed me to become more aware of anxiety-inducing situations. Once identified, they are much easier to overcome… I Had a fairly stressful situation arise that left me feeling disappointed, and a bit like I was missing out. With some of the tools I learned in the course, I was able to discover more of what was going on inside of me, which then allowed me to see the situation in a completely different way. Now, its stress quotient has gone down to almost zero.… I highly recommend the course. It will be time well-spent.”
Start this mind mastery, anxiety overcoming course today!
$297 USD

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“Overcome Anxiety provided me with validation and a plan on how to move forward."
" Julia’s explanations were phenomenal and this course really helped me connect myself with my anxiety and find effective and lasting ways to deal with it. I am also now able to address my anxiety more effectively! I am a people pleaser and over thinker and this course has helped me to do what is better for me without relying on the reactions or approval of others.”
I've tried to deal with my anxiety in the past, what makes this course different?
This course doesn’t just tell you what to do, it shows you step by step exactly what to do, and gives you the specific tools to be able to effectively manage any anxiety causing situation.
What is the guarantee/refund policy for Overcome Anxiety?
If you go through the course and do the work but find it hasn’t helped your anxiety, we are happy to give you a full refund within 14 days of your purchase.
Do I have to dive deep into my past to overcome my anxiety?
Absolutely not. Research shows that there is little to no difference in the effectiveness of the methods I use in this course between people who drudge up all the details from their past and people who don’t.
I’ve felt anxious most of my life so do I have to be able to pinpoint my anxiety to a specific event in order to benefit from this course?
No. And the truth is, most people can’t think of an exact moment that their struggles with anxiety started, and this has no bearing on their ability to overcome their anxiety when using the proper method.
If I face my anxiety will it make it worse?
In all honesty, it might bring up some discomfort at first. It can sometimes feel uncomfortable dealing with something we’ve neglected for so long. Like going to the gym, the first couple of times can be uncomfortable, but once we get into a groove, we just get stronger and stronger and working those muscles feels easier and easier - until we all of a sudden realize how strong and fit we’ve become!
How much time will this course take?
I recommend doing the course 1 or 2 lessons at a time , so you can take in the information and give yourself a chance to absorb and apply what you're learning(there are 3-5 lessons in each module and there are 7 modules). This means each time you sit down to do the course, you may want to plan to put aside 15-30 minutes.
Although you could sit down and go through all of the course content in a day, I recommend spacing it out over several weeks so you can really absorb and practice all of the tools and strategies you're learning.
Get Access to the course!
Get Started RIGHT NOW for
$297 USD

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Copyright (c) 2019 Julia Kristina